Vendor Application

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Contact Person*
List of items for sale
Click "+" to continue adding items.
Menu Name
Item Category
Item Name
$1,000,000 Food Concession Insurance is required.
Max. file size: 2 GB.
Please include size (including length of tongue, awnings), tent stakes, electrical requirements, etc.
Does your booth require water?*
Vendors are responsible for the disposal of their own gray water. There will be someone on grounds to remove it for a fee.
Does your booth require electricity?*
Read Vendor Rules
Limit of 5 per booth space rented.
All vendors/workers attending the The Dam Jam are doing so at their own risk. No liability is assumed by owners, managers, promoters, sponsors, or artists. All vendors/workers attending the Dam Jam must read and fully understand the Vendor Rules and General Information. My signing below, you acknowledge and agree to the previous statements.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.